
Do Christians Get Depressed? (Part 2)

So, do Christians get depressed? Sure – but they don’t usually stay depressed. One thing is for certain – Christians will encounter many situations which will challenge their optimism. Jesus himself promised us ‘ …In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer.’ (John 16:33 (MKJV). And why should we be of good cheer? Because Jesus also reminded us that ‘I have overcome the world’. In other words, there is no need for us to remain down or out (or even surprised by the frequency of our troubles), because Jesus has already solved any problems we will encounter. Yes, God does hear your cry when you are depressed, and will comfort and minister to you (as well as give you guidance), but, ultimately, our victory happened right there on Calvary when Jesus died on the cross for us. We can rest assured knowing that we will eventually come to a place where all trials and tribulations will be over, all tears will be wiped away and we will have eternal rest and peace with our Father. So that’s why we must recapture our joy when we're down and make a serious effort to remain in good spirits at all other times.

So what should you do if you find yourself in the throes of depression? Paul lays it out for us in Philippians 4:4-13. First, he tells us to let God know about our worries - through prayer and supplication. To make our requests known to God – with our thanks (for hearing, for responding, for whatever we can think of!). And then he promises us that peace will be ours. And to maintain that peace, he tells us to think on good things! Good things only. He says ‘….whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report, if [there be] any praise, think on these things.’ (KJV - emphasis mine)

This doesn’t mean you have to adopt a Pollyana view of the world – that nothing bad is going on or that you don’t have a good reason to be down. Instead, it means that you CHOOSE to maintain a positive attitude, knowing that God has it all under control. It means that you CHOOSE to let God deal with it instead of wrestling around with it in your own mind. And, finally it means you CHOOSE to believe God instead of all the rotten things that are going on around you. Paul last of all reminds us that we can do all things because Jesus strengthens us. So, it’s not a matter of relying on your own strength, but on the strength of the Almighty.

And He will never let you down.

So, don’t worry if you get depressed (occasionally) - just try your best not to stay depressed. Remember that God hears your prayers (and will respond) and that His peace will keep you through it all – if you let Him. So think good thoughts, turn your cares over to Him and choose to believe in God’s word instead of the world.

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