
Why Can't I Just Be.....Happy? (Part 3)

Part 1: How Can You Find Happiness?
Part 2: What is Happiness?

Until the day that I really needed it. That day comes for us all. You grow up in church or you're a latecomer to the whole religious experience (like I was). You go on Sundays, some Wednesdays for Bible Study and some Sunday School classes when you're feeling especially 'religious' and you learn what you can. You shout a little, find yourself yawning or zoning out from time to time and think to yourself, 'boy, that preacher sure can preach!' You tell everyone what a great time you had 'in the Lord' and how your church was jumping this past Sunday. You remember some parts of the sermons, but the main parts sometimes seem to escape your attention. You do a little bible study, memorize a few scriptures, repeat them in conversations, pray every now and then and feel that you are living the true 'Christian 'experience.'

Until the day comes when you find your shallow delight in the things of the Lord aren't enough to get you through the deep waters of your problems. When someone dies or leaves you or your friends, family or co-workers stab you in the back. When you discover your preacher wasn't all he or she said he or she was, when your eyes are opened to the seemingly random violence or cruelty in the world. When all you wanted was just to be 'happy' and now it seems impossible to even be 'okay'. When the God who is supposed to be 'more than enough' now seems to be not enough to get you through this day.

So you read a few more scriptures, go through a few more life experiences, cry a little, pray a little more and finally make a real connection to the Word of God. You begin to understand that what the Bible is talking about is real life, in the early century (then) as well as the 21st century (now). You trade in your King James Version for a New International Version so that you can actually understand what is being said and you are good to go. And still you ponder the meaning of happiness.

'Okay, Lord', you say to Him in your prayers, 'I'm not taking advice from heathens, I don't do all the same things I used to do and I don't make fun of other people (too badly). I read the bible more than I used to and I am getting some really good advice for living from it. But.' And here you pause. 'I'm still not 'happy'. And my life is still filled with problems. My kids aren't acting right, my husband or wife refuses to take an equal role of responsibility in this relationship, the bills are getting behind and that dream house, dream car or dream job seems like it will always stay right where it is - in the dream world.' In other words, you are asking, 'When do I get to just be....happy'?

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1 comment:

Oberon said...

.....listen sonya....here's a gift...visit me....click on link....the way of peace....read the cure....share the cure....save the world.....and remember...there is no way to happiness.....happiness is the way.