
How Can You Find Happiness? (Part 1)

Part 2: What is Happiness?
Part 3: Why Can't I Just Be Happy?

I want to kick off this blog with one of my favorite topics - Can you really find true happiness? It's something I'm sure you've thought about for years - and spent many of those years pursuing. How can you find it for yourself? Read on:

What is the source of true happiness? Is it all just a myth? What does the Bible have to say about it? Shouldn't we pursue God and service to Him instead of trying to meet our own selfish needs?

Life is tough, right? And, if you've been a Christian for any length of time, you have made the great and wondrous discovery that being a Christian does not mean your problems are fewer. As a matter of fact, you probably have more problems now than when you were 'unsaved' or 'living in the world'! And, yes, we've all heard the admonitions that Satan is out to get us and he is out to attack us now that we have declared our allegiance to God in this war of the spirits. Yes, we know that trials come to make us stronger and greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world and yes, we are the head and not the tail and more than a conqueror to Him that loves us. We can all quote those scriptures, sing those songs and shout a good hallelujah on them during church services.

But, really, doesn't some small corner of your mind sometimes whisper to you, late at night, just when you're trying to sleep and don't have a million and one other distractions going on - 'Is this all there is? Is this what life is really about? Is all of life meant to be a trial, a test, a learning experience? Must I grow every day? When, oh, when do I just get to be………happy?'

So, the first question we must ask ourselves is: What is Happiness?

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